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£ 80.44 – £ 229.56 inc VAT
Hard wearing bonded leather finish.
Ribbon colour choice.
Sophisticated look and feel.
Sara Ribbons White Bonded Leather Self-Adhesive Photo Album, grain and texture close to real leather. Luxury album with many ribbons colours.
The traditional white bonded leather material has a graining and texture close to real leather, offering a real leather feel and a more durable cover.
With a modern and contemporary feel, the page is designed or displayed as a single print and is quick and easy to assemble.
Easy-to-use repositionable self-adhesive pages which allow you to stick down a print and if needed remove it without damage to the print or page.
There are other forms of self-adhesive albums available but they do not have the ‘post-it note’ capability that these albums offer. Designed to be easy-to-use and forgiving. You can experiment with and alter your layout, photograph selection and composition as often as you like.
1. Partly peel back the protective cloth.
2. Position your print and remove the protective cloth.
3. If you are unhappy with the position of your print, just peel off and reposition.
4. Alternatively, choose and apply a different print. The whole process can be repeated as often as you like without damaging either the album or the print.